domain information - |
Domain Name SearchDomain name search can be very helpful to do several things and one of them is to determine whether the domain name you choose is available or not. Whois protocol is an internet tool that is used to search for this information and, when you go to sites to do a domain name search, whois will give you the name of the owner and even the location. It is for this reason that people register their domain names privately, because everyone will have access to this information. The internet governing body requires that everyone who registers a domain name, give their details and this has had some advantages which include the following. Having the information available to everyone helps in the stability of the internet and there is therefore a contact point to administrators, network operators and others.
The domain name search helps to enforce the law. If there are criminals who need to be captured, it will be easy to catch them and this also applies to counter terrorism efforts. The international laws are also enforced and the information has solved many cases and gotten wanted culprits. The information also helps combat certain evils like racism, xenophobia and violence. It also helps avert abuses of human rights like slavery, human trafficking, pedophilia, child pornography and many others. It also helps solve trademark disputes and other forms of infringement on intellectual property. Ultimately, the information helps to safeguard the rights of human beings. On the down side, there has been many abuses of the information but, those who engage in this are often brought to book. Domain name search can be done very easily on the internet and it will reveal so much and if you want to get inspired by the names, or test your creativity, you can just type a domain and see where it will lead you and, it might be available for your use. Some of the problems domain name search presents is the availability of personal details for everyone to see, when people engage in false registration, there will be no way to trace them through this and, this could be a tactic to divert the law. The information is usually not updated and when the domain owner changes their location, then, there will be incorrect information. A domain name search takes you to whois where you type the domain name you are searching for or the internet protocol address and, you will get the information that you need. Other sites will provide simple steps that you can follow to get what you want. There is a provision for the extension and, you can search for any country you wish. There are very many popular search sites and one of them is nameboy and, you can read all about them and get to see how they work. Usually your results will appear instantly and you can have so much fun searching for domain names. One thing to keep in mind is that you should not misuse the information you find but, if you go ahead and break your state law or international law, the law will be right behind you because you cannot hide.